For Immediate Release: Nov. 17, 2023
More Information: Seth Morrison 703-271-0370
The Las Vegas chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace will greet delegates to the 2022 Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Membership Meeting at the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, with a banner declaring "GOP Incubates Antisemitism" according to the chapter's leader, Seth Morrison. "The Republican Jewish Coalition conference serves as a matchmaker bringing together GOP presidential hopefuls with Jewish Republicans," the activist peace group declares. Noting that many of the Republican hopefuls tweet and retweet antisemitic tropes and the GOP has so far refused to condemn the far right antisemitic propaganda, the group will also distribute a flyer (see below) noting that in September, former president Trump reposted an image of himself wearing a Q lapel pin overlaid with the words “The Storm is Coming.” A QAnon song has been played at the end of several of his campaign rallies.
WHO: Jewish Voice for Peace, Las Vegas Chapter
WHAT: Protest of the Republican Jewish Coalition
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, from 3-5 p.m.
WHERE: Venetian Hotel & Casino Entrance, 3355 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
"We believe that safety comes through solidarity and empathy," stated Morrison. "The Republican Jewish Coalition has remained silent in the face of racist tropes from Donald Trump and many other Republican candidates for national, state and local offices. This silence must end for the sake of national unity, peace, and the future of our Constitution."
The protestors' flyer quotes former GOP strategist Stuart Stevens, “I don’t think Donald Trump made people more racist or antisemitic; I think he gave them permission to express it... It’s a party of white grievance, and anger and hate is an element of that.”
Their flyer also quotes former Congressman Ron Klein who stated, “It’s very unfortunate that the Republican party is silent and complicit in this antisemitic language that’s being put forward by Donald Trump and others that align with him. But it’s very indicative of a Republican party that does not want to take on rightwing extremists."
